Marshmallow roses for Brielle and Aria!

Valentine's Muffins, i made the week of Valentines, not on the actual day! We went to IHOP for Breakfast and had fun with the girls. we rarely got out for Breakfast but, thought this would be a fun tradition to start- breakfast out with our kids on Valentine's Mornings! we will try a new diner every Valentine's too!

She's such a HAM for the camera now, what a poser!

Aria LOVES LOVES LOVES lollipops! She calls them PA- Pops! She will see them in the pantry and almost say it like a question. Pa-pops? mommy? Peez? Peez?

My attempt to get them having fun together at the mini valentine's party at my friend, Cachay's house!( i know it's blurry ,silly)

I LOVE this blouse i got for them! It's just too sweet! I bought it last year on clearance at a boutique.

more silly pictures!

SUgaR FaCe, baby!

The Valentine's Loot!

I'm a good hider, mommy!
we got to see Dawn, Kara and Megan on Valentine's too! It was a great day. I got a massage as well that morning after breakfast. Brandon got his TV and stand and receiver and speakers and so forth. Now he wants a HARMONY remote so, we don't have to have 5 remotes. I don't blame him. I'm not a big sound system person. It's too noisy and it wakes the kids but he's been great about it! The flat screen we got has weak sound compared to our booming huge old 55 inch Big Screen on wheels. Oh, BTW, we are selling that TV for 300. if anyone wants it! It's great Brandon just got a great deal on a 45? inch plasma flat screen. It's really thin, kinda wierd but cool.
I get to get a Double jogger and a bike trailer for my bike. I'm looking at a few right now, Joggers- of course, what i already have the Bob Rev. but i want a Duallie in Black with 12 inch wheels all the way around, the Valco, Dreamer Design, and a couple others. Trailers- I'd love a used Burley, used Chariot, Bell, Trek, really anything gently used or new but not super pricey or super cheap. My sis gave me some good advice on bike trailers! Thanks, Cristi! I'm still looking.
well, Hope you all had a great Valentine's Day!