Monday, August 25, 2008
Being featured!
Hey gang of sweet friends and family ( and blog-hoppers)! So, If you haven't checked out Petit Elefant yet, you should. It's another cool mom blog and they are featuring CC BABY INC. right now. And in a few days or so, she will tell you that you can enter her blog for a giveaway for a $20. credit to my store. So, if you missed the last contest here's your 2nd chance!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
I'm Coming to FALLON AND RENO!
Hey family and friends and peeps!
I'm needing sweet girlies for my Fall photo shoot and I will be in Fallon and Reno this wednesday thru the following wednesday(27th-3rd). So, if you have a baby girl 0-1yr. or toddler 1.5-5 yrs. that you'd like to model for my company please send me an email with a 

picture of them or two and a few words about their personality.
I'm looking for a few older girls too, ages 5-7.
I will be constantly checking my email while I'm up there so, as soon as you read this post, email me!
Each model will get a free set of clips or a headband and %20 off their order. Plus, they will get free photography of their sweet kiddos( always priceless:)! My times are pretty open so, don't hesitate to call or email me.
I also plan on enjoying the cantaloupe festival, Lake Tahoe and seeing my family and their growing babies!
Remember, i lost all my numbers b/c i lost my phone so, please call me!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
For some good news!

My new phone is good and I love VERIZON! I've been happy with the service since i had it! (brandon takes care of the bills and most of the CS stuff so, maybe that's why I'm so happy:) So, if you are in my network call me all the time.
Also, We have lots of interest for Daisy and not so much for Myla but, we will see what tomorrow brings and it's the last day the ad runs for them.
We took advantage of the $12. and $7.00 jeans sale at OLD NAVY and I got two pairs of new jeans! And guess what??? I fit a size 6 quite nicely now! I was freaking out. i haven't been this small since like the 2nd year of our marriage!!!
My tooth is feeling lots better! And both the girls are sleeping peacefully. So, though it has been a long day, filled with ups and downs, we always come out on top, Happy and Healthy! (and a bit skinnier every day.) I'm seriously sticking with this triathalon training!
I lost MY PHONE!
Okay so, i've had it for almost 3 years. I was really careful with it while i had it. i barely took off the protective case and the plastic liner over the screen like last january. But, somehow, I lost it. So, i no longer have anyone's information so shoot me an email or call me so, i can re-program you into my new phone.
The Boxer is Daisy!
She's obviously Myla!
Other than that, i had a great 11 mile bike ride this morning, much of it was uphill this time followed by a root canal at 9 am.
On another note, we are trying to find good homes for both of our doggies! Yep, it's a sad reality but. We just aren't being very good dog parents to them. I never walk them or take them to the park. They deserve to be appreciated and cared for more and with 2 kids, multiple business ventures and someday wanting to have another baby, they are just not fitting in with our lifestyle. They need good new owners! That's just it! I already cried about this b/c part of me feels like a big failure but, at least I'm mature enough to admit that they deserve better homes.
Here's a couple pics of them if anyone is interested!

Both are pure bred dogs!
Well, that's all for now, my half botoxed-numbness is starting to wear off from my wonderful 2 hours in the chair so, i better go. Oh, i got to watch a movie with a headset while i got my tooth worked on! It was very nice! If you live in GV or Henderson, Go to Gubler Dental! They rock. Tell them I sent You!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Little known facts!
I have decided that from time to time i will do posts called " Little known Facts" about my girls or my life. It's just a fun way for you all to get to know us better!

Aria LOVES Baby wipes! She will walk around holding one for as long as she can, until it's totally nasty. When i take it away she screams in high tones and sometimes cries like she just broke something. It's sad! Maybe i should just keep them out of her reach. But, how would i keep her occupied when i'm changing her diaper? I give her toys but she goes straight for the wipes container until she gets at least one. Silly baby!
This one is all about ARIA...

Aria LOVES Baby wipes! She will walk around holding one for as long as she can, until it's totally nasty. When i take it away she screams in high tones and sometimes cries like she just broke something. It's sad! Maybe i should just keep them out of her reach. But, how would i keep her occupied when i'm changing her diaper? I give her toys but she goes straight for the wipes container until she gets at least one. Silly baby!
A little change...
Will do me good.
So, as you know, i have lost a lot of lbs. and last week Brandon came home and gave me a few hundred dollars and said" you need to get yourself some clothes that fit!" What a treat! i couldn't have asked for a nicer husband. He has been such a trooper with this and has really let me do my own thing. Never criticizing or REmInDing me to get to the gym. I just did it anyways.
So, i got some new jeans and skirts and tops( bla bla) and now I want to do something with my hair. i was thinking about adding some copperry bronzy highlights (not blonde). I have also been thinking about doing it in a cute cut. i am just not sure exactly where I want to go in the Hairdo dept.
So, my cousin Crystal, did this poll on if she should cut her hair or not. I think it was a great idea. her reaction was great. so, I think I'll take a pic of my current hair and put up a poll and you all can tell me what you'd lie to see. It will be up soon ( within the next week.) Have any ideas? Leave a comment!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Our Littlest Cupcake is ONE!
These are some of my favorite pics of my baby as she has grown this past year. I started writing this post before her b-day and i finally have a bit of time to finish it. Enjoy!

nordstrom fashion show
Easter o8
Aria was born on July 24th of '07 . My labor was great and under 4.5 hours. Brandon said that when he looked at her_ she's an ARIA. B/c we were deciding between Layla and Aria.

And she truly is. Her names is Italian in origin and means a Solo Melody , usually in an Italian Opera. It also means "Lion" and both fit her very well.
She sings itty songs all the time and she squeals with excitement in octaves I've never even heard.

Just a few days ago we were in Trader Joes and Aria got a balloon from the lady and she squealed so loud everyone's ears were pierced by the sound of her glee.
She has been such a great baby and so different from Brielle. i am glad they are so unique and so special i their own ways.

Aria loves banging on anything that makes a noise, singing songs, squealing, playing with the doggies, playing with Brielle and her family, pushing chairs or her car around, eating anything off the floor, waving a baby wipe like a scarf, sucking her thumb, and waving her arms like a maestro.
She says baba, daddy, doggie, puppy, mama, mommy, nana, uh oh, nu huh, nigh nigh and is working on more. She loves climbing the stairs and she has taken about 3-4 steps at a time walking. And i'm glad she's not rushing it. They all grow up too fast.
She's so much fun and when she goes to bed i still get the urge to wake her up so we cn play again or just so i can hold her and cuddle. She's a major cuddle bug and will even cuddle on your leg, a soft toy, a blankie, anything. It's so cute.
We've enjoyed this first year with our little tiny bits, sugar baby, pickle, peanut, snuggle bug, sugies( shu- gees) and all the other multitude of nick name we give her. She makes me so happy to want to have another baby. ( no, that's not news) She has blessed our lives in so many other ways it's hard to name them all.
WE Love You Baby Girl!
Love Mommy, Daddy and Brielle
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Our Pediped MODEL!
Hey Gang, So Brielle is on the site now! click here to see her! i actually think it's not that great of a picture from a photography standpoint but, she still does the job well. i like this pic better!
I wish they would have done outdoor/ natural lighting with this group as they did with another group. The pics would have been way better! Anywho, i can't change that now.

2.5 years and already a DIVA!
So, every morning upon waking up Brielle says something very straight to the point. Sometimes she says things like, I had a long long nap mommy, or I peed in my diaper and it's over there. She has also let us know what she wants in these waking moments with things like My tummy says it needs lotsa lotsa dinner now, or My tummy hurts mommy. A candy will make it feel better.
Yeah, so, it's really cute.
Today, though she was still lying in her bed when i opened her door and she said as her opening line" I NEED my PRINCESS CROWN, Mommy!"
Good morning to you too, Brielle!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I'm tired
I have been getting ready for the Lake Las Vegas Tri-athalon at the end of September. Though i have only been training for this for a few weeks. I tell you all now. I'M TIRED. My bum is sore for learning how to bike and sit (or not sit), my legs are sore from running and pedaling 15 miles yesterday. my Arms are sore from gripping handlebars and lifting weight in my cross training. My abs are getting tighter and loosing some leftover baby flab. My hair is either unwashed or over-chlorinated( or salty) most of the weeks. My legs get a shave now and then, i need to just wax, for goodness sakes and my body fat has dropped again. So, it's all worth it, right? I'll keep telling myself that. I am so glad my sis is doing the half marathon b/c that means we are both kicking our butts! Go sis.
Oh, BTW, if I don't blog as often as i have been lately just know, that, I'M Tired!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
More pics from San Diego-Clingers!
We got to attend Tommy Browning's reception and see my good friend IVY and her clan while we were in SD. I got to see her darling little girl, Violet and attend her son Sam's Birthday party and go to Green Valley Falls with the kids and Carl's Birth Family ( GV Falls in SD not GV , NV and Carl, her husband, not my step-dad). I only got a few pics off my erased card from that so here they are. 

What a major gorgeous baby! she's going to model for my boutique company next time I come down. I got to give her a white bling bracelet as her baby shower gift and I also made a bracelet for my cousin, jessa's baby, madeline. That one was pink and lilac crystals with all sterling silver! I hope both girls enjoyed their bling.

I wish Ivy could live next door. I think the world of my dear friend and she has given so much to me just through her friendship.
Monday, August 4, 2008
More pics from San Diego

Sunday, August 3, 2008
CC Baby Inc. Blog is having it's FIRST GIVEAWAY!

So, if you dig what i do. Check it out, along with my store and get entered to win! Just leave a comment on that blog of what you'd pick from my store if you win! This goes till August 25th!
More to come on our little clan!
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