And she truly is. Her names is Italian in origin and means a Solo Melody , usually in an Italian Opera. It also means "Lion" and both fit her very well.
She sings itty songs all the time and she squeals with excitement in octaves I've never even heard.

Just a few days ago we were in Trader Joes and Aria got a balloon from the lady and she squealed so loud everyone's ears were pierced by the sound of her glee.
She has been such a great baby and so different from Brielle. i am glad they are so unique and so special i their own ways.

Aria loves banging on anything that makes a noise, singing songs, squealing, playing with the doggies, playing with Brielle and her family, pushing chairs or her car around, eating anything off the floor, waving a baby wipe like a scarf, sucking her thumb, and waving her arms like a maestro.
She says baba, daddy, doggie, puppy, mama, mommy, nana, uh oh, nu huh, nigh nigh and is working on more. She loves climbing the stairs and she has taken about 3-4 steps at a time walking. And i'm glad she's not rushing it. They all grow up too fast.
She's so much fun and when she goes to bed i still get the urge to wake her up so we cn play again or just so i can hold her and cuddle. She's a major cuddle bug and will even cuddle on your leg, a soft toy, a blankie, anything. It's so cute.
We've enjoyed this first year with our little tiny bits, sugar baby, pickle, peanut, snuggle bug, sugies( shu- gees) and all the other multitude of nick name we give her. She makes me so happy to want to have another baby. ( no, that's not news) She has blessed our lives in so many other ways it's hard to name them all.
WE Love You Baby Girl!
Love Mommy, Daddy and Brielle
What beautiful pictures of a beautiful girl. That first year is so precious, and the upcoming months are even better. They grow and learn so quickly, and I love that sense of wonder they have about everything they're learning and experiencing.
Aria looks just like you Corrine! What a doll!
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